Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society
Prize 2023
The BAS Prize is open to any individual, local societies, public bodies and commercial organisations who have done or supported archaeological or historical work within the old county boundary of Buckinghamshire.
Nominations can be made by anyone and are open until May 19th 2023.
The prize will be presented at the Bucks Local History Network (BLHN) Conference on 7th October 2023.
To nominate and for further information please complete the online form below.
We are looking for contributions to one or more of these objectives:
– Advancing knowledge of the county’s archaeology and history
– Protecting or conserving some important aspect of the county’s heritage
– Promoting public awareness of, involvement in and enjoyment of the county’s archaeology or history
– Demonstrating enthusiasm and/or innovation in achieving the above
County Archaeology/Heritage Prize
To nominate and for further information please complete our online
form here: https://bas1.org.uk/bas-annual-heritage-prize