Lectures and talks

Illustrated on-line talks and face-to-face lectures at Discover Bucks Museum.

You can register for the next lecture using the link in the Lecture description below

See also the Thursday evening AAG programme Here

Our lectures are free but if you wish to contribute towards our running cost then you can donate Here .  If you are not a BAS member, the benefits of membership and an opportunity to join online can be found Here.
Lectures are free and in normal times held one Saturday each month in the Discover Bucks Museum, Church Street, Aylesbury HP20 2QP starting at 2.30pm and lasting about one hour plus time for discussion. Refreshments are available after the event.

Saturday November 9th: A New Look at Stony Stratford
Speaker: Julian Hunt (BAS President)

Julian has been looking at his previous studies of this always roadside town and its development. He will follow up by leading a walk round Stony Stratford in summer 2025.

Saturday December 14th: Not so well-known – the Society’s buildings, museum collections, library and archives
Speaker: Sarah Gray (BAS Librarian)

This Society founded and ran the County Museum for it’s first 100 years until a new partnership with the County Council in 1955. We also built the County’s first archives Muniment Room in the 1930s, below the splendid Grammar School buildings by St Mary’s church in Aylesbury. Come and find out about our research resources which cover the old County including modern-day Milton Keynes.

Saturday January 11th 2025:  The Landscape at Shardeloes: discoveries new and old
Speakers:  Marian Miller and Edward Copisarow

Exploring the development and use of the extensive grounds at Shardeloes, Amersham.

Register now for the online lecture Here  (We will email the Zoom meeting invitation to you).

Saturday February 8th: Niplands Kiln, an unexpected encounter with historical brick making in the Chilterns
Speaker: James Mortimer

In 2020 and 2023 the former Niplands Brick Works, near Bourne End, suffered two separate collapse events relating to former shafts/ bell pits used to extract clay and chalk which were used in the brick and tile making process. These events led to a flurry of activity including the use of the latest laser technology to map the features ahead of their remediation. This talk looks into the history of the Site and the events which occurred more recently.










Saturday March 8th:  TBA


Saturday April 12th:  TBA


Saturday May 10th (after the AGM):  Thomas Jefferson and John Adams tour of English Gardens in 1786.
Speaker:  Julian Hunt (BAS President)

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