

Our Publications

The society’s lead publication is Records of Buckinghamshire, the academic journal for the county’s history and archaeology. This has been published almost every year since 1858: there were gaps during wartime. This is published in May each year and is free as part of membership.
View the contents of the latest volume…

The past volumes of Records are a valuable resource for historians and archaeologists today. There is a rolling programme to make these available on-line, with 43 annual volumes processed so far.
View Records of Bucks On-line…

The whole series of Records is also available for reference in the Society’s Library.

Members also receive the Society’s Newsletter in Spring and Autumn each year. This gives advance news of planned society activities, such as talks and outings, plus news and articles about the county’s history, archaeology and heritage.
View the BAS Newsletter…

The Society also regularly publishes books, pamphlets and papers focusing on aspects of the history, archaeology and heritage of the people of Buckinghamshire and our towns and villages.
View our most recent publications…

Or click on the Publications button at the top of the page to see details of all our Books and pamphlets, Buckinghamshire Papers and Milton Keynes Monographs.


ON-LINE – by using the Publications menu above to find the publication you want, clicking its Buy on-line button, then giving your address details and paying by card. Your order will be sent by post.

BY POST – by clicking to open our Publications Order Form, then printing this, completing it and sending it to us by post with your cheque. Your order will be sent by post.

IN PERSON – from the Society’s Library, which is open every Wednesday 10am-4pm in the Bucks County Museum, Church Street, Aylesbury. Some publications are on sale in the Museum Shop Tuesday-Saturday.


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