Wingrave with Rowsham Heritage Association is pleased to present an illustrated talk on Aspects of the history of local canals, namely the Wendover Arm and Grand Union Canal on Friday 22nd February at 7.30pm in Wingrave Community Centre.
ALL ARE WELCOME! Entrance is free to members of the Association, but there is a fee of £4 for visitors. The Bar will be open.
Our Speaker is Doug Stuckey, the Secretary of the Bucks Archaeological Society and a member of the Society’s Active Archaeological Group.
Recent projects by the Group have included excavation and survey surveys of the former Whitehouses Pumping Station on the Wendover Arm and the former steam-generating boiler house at the Three Locks on the Grand Union Canal. Doug’s talk is a must for anyone interested in industrial archaeology, but it is also highly recommended to those who enjoy walking local towpaths or navigating the canals.