Summer Outing – Seer Green/Jordans July 2024

Taplow Court

Sunday 8th September, a group visit to the Taplow Court Heritage Open Day with Sarah Gray

We’re not organising a coach and public transport takes ages to this far-south corner of the County.  Anybody stuck for a lift or indeed offering a lift should contact Sarah Gray and we will put people in touch.  Taplow Court is next door to Cliveden National Trust so you might like to combine visits on the day. Taplow Court is hard to find on the HODs website as its listed under Berkshire, just the other side of the Thames. Taplow Court Open Day (

Something for everyone here. In the grounds is the 7c Taplow Burial mound, within a former hillfort and staring down at the Thames. There are replicas of the superb grave goods (British Museum) in the house and a reconstruction of the burial chamber. From the Grenfell family’s time, life sized and moving group portraits by CRW Nevinson of the two sons killed in WW1 and their contemporaries at Oxford.

Register for this excursion Here.

Any enquiries to Sarah on

The What Three Words location of the entrance is off Cliveden Road at .


A series of walks around Seer Green, Hodgemoor Woods  and Jordans 

Led by Nigel and Janet Rothwell

Saturday 20th July, 10.00-12.00 and 14.00-16.00 – Seer Green –  The Seer Green walks are each about 2.5km, mostly pavement, but some short stretches of woodland path.
Sunday 21st July, 10.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 – Hodgemoor WoodsThe Hodgemoor walk is on rougher woodland paths, which can be muddy if wet, and is about 3.5km
Saturday 27th July, 14.00-16.30 – Jordans –  The Jordans walk is about 2.5km, mostly pavement, but some short stretches of woodland path, and has one field stile.
The walks are arranged as part of the CBA ‘Festival of Archaeology’ and are also advertised on their web site.  Each walk is limited to 20 people. There is a charge of £5 for non BAS members
More details and booking for each walk can be found Here

BAS AAG evening meetings

Thursday 12th Sept 2023

A snapshot of Mesoamerica
Doug Stuckey

Aztecs AAGA presentation requested by Chiltern YAC members on Aztecs.  700 years of cultural development in central America leading up to the Aztec empire and its nemesis.




Register for this meeting Here if you want to attend via zoom, otherwise please come to the Museum.

We will open the Museum (back gate) at 19:00.


Saturday Lecture

Saturday November 9th: A New Look at Stoney Stratford
Speaker: Julian Hunt (BAS President)

BAS lectureJulian has been looking at his previous studies of this always roadside town and its development. He will follow up by leading a walk round Stony Stratford in summer 2025.


Please come to the Discover Bucks Museum or Register now for the online lecture TBA  (We will email the Zoom meeting invitation to you).

Historic documents cataloguing appeal raises £2,455

The society’s recent appeal for funds to complete the cataloguing of the BAS deeds collection of over 11,000 documents has raised £2,455 – and we will be able to add to this by reclaiming tax under the Gift Aid scheme.

So thanks are due to all who have donated. The fund will be sent to the Bucks Records Society, who are funding the work at Buckinghamshire Archive. The new catalogue will make the document collection accessible for research.

If you have not yet donated you can still do so by clicking here.