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Newsletter Autumn 2024

The societies latest newsletter is available online
(and can be downloaded) Here
BAS AAG evening meetings
Thursday 13th Feb 2025 19:30
Reclaiming the Chancel at Bletsoe St Mary’s
David Baker (former Beds County Archaeologist)
Insight into the work to restore access to the Chancel at an early, grade II listed, Church (evidence of Pre-Norman construction).
Register for this meeting Here if you want to attend via zoom, otherwise please come to the Museum.
We will open the Museum (back gate) at 19:00.
Saturday Lecture
Saturday Feb 8th 2025 2pm: Niplands Kiln, an unexpected encounter with historical brick making in the Chilterns
Speaker: James Mortimer
In 2020 and 2023 the former Niplands Brick Works, near Bourne End, suffered two separate collapse events relating to former shafts/ bell pits used to extract clay and chalk which were used in the brick and tile making process. These events led to a flurry of activity including the use of the latest laser technology to map the features ahead of their remediation. This talk looks into the history of the Site and the events which occurred more recently.
Please come to the Discover Bucks Museum or Register now for the online lecture Here (We will email the Zoom meeting invitation to you).
Tea and Coffee will be available as will the BAS pre-loved book stall.
BLHN Conference 2024

Summer Outing – Seer Green/Jordans/Taplow
Taplow Court
Sunday 8th September, a group visit to the Taplow Court Heritage Open Day with Sarah Gray
Register for this excursion Here.
Any enquiries to Sarah on
The What Three Words location of the entrance is off Cliveden Road at .
A series of walks around Seer Green, Hodgemoor Woods and Jordans
Led by Nigel and Janet Rothwell
Records of Bucks Special Offer

CLICK HERE TO View the contents of each volume and order on-line
An Article of interest

Buckinghamshire’s Heritage Portal
The new County Council have launched the long awaited update to the online Heritage Portal for Buckinghamshire. The new online service has a current search engine and is linked directly to the HER database – so new entries are available via the portal immediately.
Access the new portal Here